ニュアンス子ども英会話 小学生クラス1年間内容 英語で国の名前




「ご両親の声」のコーナーを見て頂ければ分かります。色々な体験を回ったお母さんが、ニュアンスの体験をご覧になって「みんなこんなに喋れてびっくりした!」とおっしゃいます。様々な英会話教室で英語を教えている先生がニュアンスで初めて教えた時、「この子達ちゃんと英語 が分かる!」と言ったことがあります。是非、体験レッスンで味わって下さい。 大人に負けない実力。









What's your name?  

My name is Taro.  

How old are you?  

I'm seven years old.  

Whens your birthday? 

My birthdays January 21st. 

Where do you live?  

I live in Tanaka Cho. 

Where do you go to school?  

I go to Tanaka elementary school. 

What grade are you in? 

I'm in the 1st grade.  

What fruit do you like? 

I like apples but I don't like bananas 

Do you have a brother or sister? 

I have a sister 



What's her name?  

Her name is Hanako 

How old is she  

She's eight years old  

Whens her birthday  

Her birthday is December 1 

Where does she live 

She lives in Tanaka Cho 

Where does she go to school 

She goes to Tanaka elementary school. 

What grade is she in 

She's in the 3rd grade.  

What fruit does she like 

She likes bananas but she doesn'like apples. 



What time do you wake up? 

I wake up at 7:00 

I get dressed. 

I brush my hair. 

I wash my face. 

What do you eat for breakfast? 

I eat breakfast toast. 

I brush my teeth.


What time do you go to school? 

I go to school 7:45. 

I study. 

I play. 

What time do you eat lunch? 

I eat lunch at 12:30 

I go home. 

I do my homework 

I eat dinner. 

What do you watch? 

I watch TV news.  

I take a bath. 

I go to bed at. 


Do動詞現在形 第三人称単数 

He wakes up. 

He gets stressed. 

He washes his face. 

He brushes his hair 

He eats breakfast. 

He brushes his teeth. 

He goes to school 

He studies. 

He plays. 

He eats lunch. 

He goes home. 

He does his homework 

He watches TV. 

He eats dinner 

He takes a bath. 

He goes to bed 



It's a pen. 

It isn’t pencil. 

Is it the pen? 

Yes, it is. 

Is it a book? 

No, it isn’t 

What is it? 

It's a pen. 

They are pens. 

They aren't books. 

Are they pens? 

Yes, they are. 








Are they books? 

No, they aren't.   

What are they? 

They’re pens 


There is/are(が有ります)単数・複数 

There's a book. 

There isn't a pen. 

Is there a book 

Yes, there is. 

Is there a pen 

No, there isn't. 

There are some books. 

There aren't any pens. 

Are there any books? 

Yes, there are. 

Are there any pens? 

No, there aren't 




What do you do 

I am a teacher 

What does he do 

He's a pilot 

What does she do? 

She's a doctor 

What do they do 

They are teachers 

What do I do 

Youre student 

Where are you from 

I'm from America  

Where is he from 

He's from China 

Where is she from 

She is from Korea 

Where they from  

They’re from Mexico 

Where am I from 

Youre from Japan. 



– Z 









B / V の違い 

 L の違い 

 N の違い 

F – H の違い 

oo – ee – oa – ai 

ch – ph – sh – th – ch 

___ (a – e – i – o – u) ____ e  



1 – 20 

20 - 1 

10 -90 

100 – 900 

1,000 – 10,000 – 100,000 

1,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 

Sunday  Saturday 

Saturday - Sunday 

What day is today? 

Today is Monday. 

What day is tomorrow? 

Tomorrow's Tuesday. 

What day was yesterday? 

Yesterday was Sunday 

What day do you like? 

I like Sunday. 

Why do you like Sunday? 

Because I have free time.. 



January February March April May June July August September October November December 

January  December 

December - January 

What month is your birthday? 

My birthday is in November. 

What month is Christmas?  

Christmas is in December. 

What month is New Year's?  

New Year's is in January. 



What month do you like? 

I like November. 

Why do you like November? 

Because my birthday is in November 



1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 

1st – 31st  

31st 1st  

What day is your birthday? 

My birthday is the 21st. 

What day is New Year's? 

New Year's is the 1st. 

What day is Halloween? 

Halloween is the 31st. 

What day is Christmas? 

Christmas is the 25th. 



Summer Spring Fall Winter 

What season is Christmas? 

Christmas is in winter. 

What season is Halloween? 

Halloween is in fall. 

What season do you like? 

I like spring. 

Why do you like spring? 

Because I like flowers. 



in on behind under in front of 

Where is the ball? 

It’s on the box. 

Where are the pens? 

They are behind the box. 



I can play the piano. 

I can’t play the violin. 

Can you play the piano? 

Yes, I can. 

Can you play the violin? 

No, I can’t. 

What can you play? 

I can play the piano but I can’t play the violin. 



Concentration Game 

Would you turn over this one please? 

What is it? 

It's a book. 

Are they the same?  

Yes, they are. 

Choose one more card please. 

What do you have? 

I have a book. 

How many sets do you have? 

I have 2 sets. 


Bowling  Ring Toss 

Which ball would you like? 

I'd like the blue ball, please. 

Here you are. 

Thank you.  

You're welcome. 


Go fish 

Do you have a king? 

Yes, I do. No, I don’t 


Which one’s missing? 

The book is missing. 


Where’s the tiger? 

It’s on the gorilla. 


Spelling Game 

Is there an “A”? 

Yes, there is. 

No, there isn’t. 

Is it summer? 

Yes, it is. 



場所   動物   色 

職業   国・国籍 




楽器    天気 







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